Monday, June 18, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)

Snow white and the huntsman

So I saw Snow White and the Huntsman today with my Dad and brother for fathers day and it was a pretty bad movie all around.

First off, the writing was bad. It was a weak series of plot points spread far and thin, there weren’t any major events really, it was mostly just a bunch of filler and unnecessary action for special effects to take place. There really wasn’t any plot going on and the events seemed unrelated for the most part (Like, lets put a troll in this scene because we can.)
Secondly, the scenes didn’t really Segway into one another and the intercutting of scenes was also weak and didn’t intensify it at all. Set ups and payoffs were few and far between as well.
On a more important note, there was very little theme expressed in the movie. Whenever there was a moral debate being questioned, it was told through extremely on-the-nose dialogue. The writing had very little subtlety or tact. In fact, the characters were very one-dimensional and too much time was spent trying to give them some sort of backstory rather than progressing their inner moral growth.
What bothers me the most is that they had this whole world to build and they squandered it. When creating a fantasy film, the possibilities are endless. There are infinite existentialist ways of telling your story and being as creative as possible, but these Hollywood big-budget buttholes  used a stencil to write this script.
They had this whole other world to create with its own set of rules and laws and magic but they didn’t do anything with it. There was no “magic comes at a price” or law of equivalent exchange, sense of karma, or any sort of world-view like that. The entire movie was just the same as putting babies on spikes for 2 hours with the only reason being because she is evil and jealous.
This movie was already a pre-sold franchise with being an adaptation with a handful of top stars as well as publicity and trends from shows like Once Upon a Time. They had so much potential to run with it however they wanted and to extrapolate the story so much further, but they completely fell short.
All in all, very poor writing.

The lighting was somewhat interesting by the fact that it wasn’t. I noticed that most of the movie was trending to current camera schemes and what seems to be becoming a cliché trend of current technology.
As many of you may know, digital has had a much shorter latitude than film until recent years. In effect, many digital narratives have used large silks or Kino-flos to get better gradients and somewhat emulate the look of film. Cameras are also advancing today to get wider latitudes, and in effect, Snow White and the Huntsman ended up looking very flat.
In the films defense, an interesting thing they did was light the characters eyes to tell their emotion (very much like how they did in the avengers) since they eyes are a sort of window to the soul, which also makes sense as to why the lighting looked so flat.
In Hollywood, it used to be “light the actors, not the set”, now it seems to be, “Light their eyes and the rest will take care of itself.” I find this true for melo-dramas and soap operas, but it doesn’t work with trying to be cinematic, particularly when it comes to choosing camera angles.
Most shots were eye-level close chest shots and medium-wides. I found this very boring cinematically since camera placement plays a huge role in visually telling the story. I think their focus was in the wrong place.
Occasionally there would be a cool shot here or there that may have been a birds eye shot from a helicopter or some time lapse on a slider, but I found these to be more distracting from the other shots rather than adding anything to the story. the shots would work much better as photographs, but they were distracting when cut with the other (quite objective) shots. I also believe this also further disrupted the rhythm of the cutting of the film for the editor.

I feel that the editor didn’t have much say in how the film was edited. There were many shots that should have been left out, but the director or producer was probably pulling the strings while remembering how expensive each of those unnecessary shots was.
This also had a large effect on how the editor kept on cutting back to stale footage. Where the director should have chosen to push in for an intense moment or pull out to make it more intimate, he instead shot some “pretty” shots so the editing would go from a close up to an extremely wide helicopter shot, then back to the same close up. Most good movies would either choose to intensify it, or pull back.

As for acting, the best acting of the film was from Charlize Theron, who half the time was just yelling at the camera.
A film theorist (I believe it was Bazin) had once said that the more we show in our films, the more we spell out to the audience, the less involved they will get. A great example is jaws, we get pretty absorbed into it through most of the film, then when we see the cheesy pain-in-the-ass mechanical shark.
This film went terribly overboard on special effects. Instead of just biting a poisonous apple and seeing it’s effect on Snow, we have to go into a dream sequence of the apple falling and turning into a hedgehog instead. This is one instance of many which had the sole purpose of showing “cool” special effects, which distracted from the story and ruined the shot selection/rhythm of the film.

A couple of the shots looked kinda cool, but you might as well just watch the trailer. It is actually a very good trailer which has all the best shots in it, and it will be much more worth your time and money to just watch the trailer then go buy a book like Jurassic park or something.